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Scope S4 Disc Hjulsæt

Regulær pris 7.999,00 DKK

Sport Series:
The Scope Road Sport series is developed with the purpose to provide exactly what you are looking for in a good set of carbon wheels. The all new Sport series works with our proven technologies and qualitystandards. The wheels are developed around our previous Road Race rims with an external width of 26 mm making use of our Local Reinforcement Technology (LRT®), and Scope Tubeless System (STS®). The 26 mm width rims are built around theupdated Scope 3 pawl hub sets featuring SKF bearings making use of Sapim CX Leader aero spokes.

Local Reinforcement:
Together with the Technical University of Delft (NL), we optimized our carbon layup in order to increase the strength and stiffness of our rims while reducing the weight. The key solution to was found in our unique Local Reinforcement Technology (LRT®) .

Tubeless System:
Togetherwith our development partner Schwalbe, we have developed the unique geometry of our tubeless tire bed to ensure; easy mounting, inflation, and on pressure properties. Called the Scope Tubeless System (STS®). Due to the importanceof a well functioning tire bed, both the RACE and SPORT make use of the same design. All Scope Road wheels are compatible with all (tubeless) tires on the market and can handle a max tire pressure of 8.6 bar / 125 PSI.

    Scope S4 Disc Hjulsæt

    Regulær pris 7.999,00 DKK
    Hurtig levering
    Sikker betaling
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    Sport Series:
    The Scope Road Sport series is developed with the purpose to provide exactly what you are looking for in a good set of carbon wheels. The all new Sport series works with our proven technologies and qualitystandards. The wheels are developed around our previous Road Race rims with an external width of 26 mm making use of our Local Reinforcement Technology (LRT®), and Scope Tubeless System (STS®). The 26 mm width rims are built around theupdated Scope 3 pawl hub sets featuring SKF bearings making use of Sapim CX Leader aero spokes.

    Local Reinforcement:
    Together with the Technical University of Delft (NL), we optimized our carbon layup in order to increase the strength and stiffness of our rims while reducing the weight. The key solution to was found in our unique Local Reinforcement Technology (LRT®) .

    Tubeless System:
    Togetherwith our development partner Schwalbe, we have developed the unique geometry of our tubeless tire bed to ensure; easy mounting, inflation, and on pressure properties. Called the Scope Tubeless System (STS®). Due to the importanceof a well functioning tire bed, both the RACE and SPORT make use of the same design. All Scope Road wheels are compatible with all (tubeless) tires on the market and can handle a max tire pressure of 8.6 bar / 125 PSI.


      Jens Berner
      Verificeret anmeldelse

      Bare byens bedste bikestore

      Alt i high-end. Bing har et stort og lækkert lager af cykler og alt hvad man kan drømme om af udstyr. Og det er i bedste kvalitet, ligesom betjeningen. Altid et "hej" og en service i topklasse.

      Søren Hyltoft
      Verificeret anmeldelse

      Top professionelt sted

      I rækken af ligegyldige cykelbutikker står Bings BikeStore ud som et top professionelt sted, hvor de ved hvad de taler om, og hvor der er høj klasse både i salgsafdelingen og på værkstedet

      Niels Winther
      Verificeret anmeldelse

      Fedeste bikeshop i Århus

      Helt klart et besøg værd inden du vælger din Cykel. Jeg blev spurgt om jeg havde overvejet MTB-E, det havde jeg ikke, men endte med at købe en, og kommer nu meget oftere i skoven!

      Jesper Mark
      Verificeret anmeldelse

      Højeste klasse

      Absolut højeste klasse indenfor service hos Michael! Styr på sagerne og er behjælpelig fra start til slut. Mit første køb, men uden tvivl ikke mit sidste hos Bings Bikestore